Sunday, February 28, 2010

Something New to Share

"The joy that isn't shared, dies young."--Anne Sexton

I'm not sure how many teachers know about this, but I love it and I want other teachers to love it, too. It's called Voicethread and I learned about it in class this past week. Through Voicethread, group conversations are collected and centered around images, documents, texts and videos--all from you and/or your students. Check out the link: I have a love for poetry and literature. I know that poetry may not be the most exciting genre to especially middle-school students, but then I thought about how each student could either create his/her own poem, or choose a favorite poem, and create a Voicethread with that poem. He/She could add images and analyze it with voice comments. Then the students could view each other's poems and add their own voice comments. It brings poetry to life--real life with real voices. Voice thread could be used for student brainstorming, creating a story, Literature Circles; use it to introduce resources, or to present research projects. Kids can role-play using Voicethread. Can you tell I'm a big fan?

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is engaging. I like the background color you used for the visual. I also like your idea for using Voicethread to engage students in poetry and literature. Your students might also enjoy creating a collection of class poetry using blogs. It is amazing how much you can enhance your words with the colors used in the background and visuals. It offers a lot of room for creativity. I enjoyed your blog! Vicky
