Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mickey Is My Inspiration

"Mickey Mouse is, to me, a symbol of independence. He was a means to an end."

--Walt Disney

I do love Mickey fact, we'll be taking the kids to Disney World for the first time! But, Mickey Mouse is only one of the reasons that Mickey Jobst is an inspiration to me. Who is Mickey Jobst? Well, she may not be as popular as Mickey Mouse, not outside of my son's school, anyway; but in her Pre-K classroom she's everyone's favorite. As a teacher, she has a knack for understanding the young mind of a child. She has a way of opening their minds to think outside the box. She teaches them to think independently. She allows the kids to be actively engaged in their own education. They're learning and they don't even know it! All these things are awesome traits, but there's something else that is admirable about Mickey Jobst--through all of her hard work and dedication to her classroom, she's also battling cancer. She's been through chemotherapy twice. She's lost her hair twice. And even on her worst day, you'd never know it. She never misses a day of work. And when she shows up, she's always smiling. She has an inner strength that comes from her faith. So, when I was asked to make a Moviemaker about a teacher who has inspired me, the answer was a no-brainer--Mickey Jobst, of course.

1 comment:

  1. Your comments about Mickey Jobst are beautiful. It is wonderful to hear something so positive about a teacher. She sounds like a valuable teacher and person. Hope for the best for her though her struggle with cancer.

    On a lighter note, I know you said you are going to Disney World with your family during your kids' vacation. ENJOY!!

