Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A chocolate webquest? I'm listening.

"Life is like a box of chocolates...you never know what you're gonna get."

--Forest Gump (Tom Hanks)

When I saw there was a webquest done on chocolate, I was sold. What is a webquest? It is a lesson format in which the students inquire information that is all found on the web. The lesson format is the key word here. There are five elements to a webquest: the Introduction, the Task, the Process, the Evaluation, and the Conclusion. It is the Introduction that draws you in. Then once you're hooked, the Task explains the adventure; it gives the directions. The Process is the fun part. This is where you'll do all the research from the given websites. The Evaluation makes sure that you completed the Task correctly. And if you did, then the conclusion should be a happy one!
Webquests are a fun way to gets kids to take an active part in their learning. You as the teacher may create a webquest as an assignment. Or better yet, let the kids create a webquest for their fellow classmates. Whether they're creating or completing it, learning is taking place for both sides.
If you're not familiar with a webquest, and you're looking for an innovative way to find and capture your students' ambition to learn, you should really check out this link: http://www.teachersfirst.com/summer/webquest/quest-b.shtml. And there is so much more out there on the web. Just like I said: When I found a webquest for chocolate, I was sold!

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